Starflyer (Lyn Hopkins, M.S.W., Ph.D.) is chief of the Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge.

For the past 30 years, Lyn has been involved in holistic education and healing, focused on the integration of mind, body, emotions and spirit in all her work.

Of mixed heritage herself (Native American and Celtic), Lyn has studied shamanic practices with a number of teachers, including Thunder Strikes, Humbatz Men, Don Miguel Ruiz, Wallace Black Elk, the late Sun Bear, and others. She currently teaches shamanic philosophies, integrating teachings of various spiritual paths as appropriate to help bring about healing and quality of life for Grandmother Earth and all her children (mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms).   Lyn founded the Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge in 1993, continuing today as Lodge Chief and Drum Team Chief.  She offers weekly shamanic classes, sweat lodges, ceremonial weekends and shamanic healing.  

Lyn studied various holistic healing techniques with Louise Taylor, director of The Institute of the Healing Arts, earning certificates in acupressure and reflexology, integrating color and sound healing.  She also holds certificates in herbology and iridology through her studies with Nanette Gil.  A Zenith, G.T.F. practitioner, she has completed Levels 1 through 5 of the Zenith healing system. Lyn learned crystal healing and chakra balancing, from Bridget Wolfe, Arwyn Larkin, and other accomplished shamanic healers.  In addition, she studied Jungian dream work with the late Helen Janiger for five years.

While attending Whittier College as a music major, Lyn was a percussionist in the college band and a violinist in The Whittier Symphony Orchestra, teaching  music in the Fullerton School District for four years following graduation.  She now leads the Wild Rose Drum Team, integrating drumming and chanting drawn from a variety of Native American sources as well as spiritual and shamanic music from other world cultures. 

For many years, Lyn studied poetry writing  with her aunt, Frona Lane, M.Ed., an internationally known poet and former president of the National Association of Poets.  She also attended adult education poetry classes in Glendale for four years, taught by the late well known poet Marcus Lytle.  Lyn is now preparing to publish a book of her own poetry entitled Light Rays of A Rainbow Warrior.

After btaining her M.S.W. from U.C.L.A., Lyn worked for Los Angeles County as a family services specialist and staff development supervisor for a number of years.  She earned her M.S. in Special Education from Mt. St. Mary's College, thereafter working as an Educational Therapist and Master Teacher at the Marianne Frostig Center.  In 1982, Lyn founded and supervised The Ivalyn Center of Integrative Education, a private school designed to meet the needs of learning handicapped children.  That same year, she was admitted to the Ph.D. program in Integrative Educational Psychology at International College, directed by Dr. Beverly Galyean, receiving her Ph.D. in 1985.  At the present time Lyn is self-employed, providing educational evaluations and educational therapy for children and adults.  

Lyn is currently writing a book, Educating the Rainbow Children, designed to help educators understand and adequately teach the ecstatic children of the New Age, also known as the Indigo Children.

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