
is a powerful herb that dates back in history to the Greek herbalist
Dioscorides in the first cenury A.D. The Pilgrims in 1620, using
one of its common names, named their ship Mayflower. Hawthorn assists
in the treatment of hypertension, stabilizes irregular heart beats,
balances blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, and improves
circulation to the brain. It contains choline, which is known to
break down cholesterol in the blood stream into small particles
that can then be absorbed by the body tissues. Hawthorn can also
be used for control of diarrhea because of its astringency. It can
be taken in tea or tincture form or in capsules, and is safe to
use with other cardiac herbs. It may take up to three months for
effects of the herb to be noticed. |


name of the diuretic herb, hydrangea, is appropriately derived from
the Greek word meaning water vessel. Hydrangea is indigenous to
North America, particularly the southern and midwestern areas of
the United States. The Cherokee Indians used this amazing herb to
expel kidney and bladder stones, introducing it to the early settlers.
The hydrangea root, collected in the autumn, produces most of the
plants health benefits, although the bark was also used by
the Cherokees for wounds, burns, sore muscles and sprains. Because
of its diuretic qualities, hydrangea increases the flow of urine,
which makes it particularly effective in cleansing the urinary tract,
including kidneys, bladder, prostate and urethra. An anti-lithic
herb, it prevents stones from forming in the kidney and bladder,
and assists the body in removing stones and gravel that have already
formed in these organs. It reduces swelling in inflamed, enlarged
prostrates in men, particularly when combined with horsetail. |
2022 - Lyn Hopkins