
Achillea Millefolium, a member of the sunflower family, has been
used as a
medicinial herb for thousands of years. It was named after the Greek
warrior, Achilles,
who, according to legend, used yarrow to heal the wounds of his
men on the battlefield. It
is a most versatile herb with many healing properties. When taken
internally, it is
anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, and it regulates the
cardio-vascular system by
lowering blood pressure and slowing the heartbeat. It is often used
to reduce symptoms of
the common cold and to lower fevers. As a womens tonic, yarrow
helps to regulate the
menstrual cycle and ease the pain of menstruation. Externally, it
is used as a poultice to
stop bleeding, as an antiseptic, and as an antibiotic to heal diseased
tissues. NOTE:
Yarrow should be used sparingly, as extended or excessive use of
the herb often results in
photosensitivity and/or allergic reactions. |


related to the Joshua Tree, is indigenous to Southwestern United
States (California,
Arizona and Nevada). It has long been utilized by Native Americans
to treat many maladies,
including headaches, gonorrhea, arthritis and rheumatism. In Western
herbal tradition, it
has been found particularly helpful in treating arthritis, rheumatism
and osteoporosis due
to the high content of the steroid saponins, which are precursors
to cortisone. It is also
useful in the treatment of blood sugar problems. Diuretics and emetics
are made from the
roots and leaves of the plant. Yucca herbal products have been found
to be generally safe
for the consumer. |
2022 - Lyn Hopkins