fruit of the rose, rosehip, of the family Rosaceae, is the red,
green or orange seedpod in the center of the rose flower. Hundreds
of species of roses are found throughout the world, where rosehips
have been used as a nutritional aide and healing herb for centuries.
Well known as a natural source of vitamin C, rosehips also contain
vitamins E and K, and the
B vitamins riboflavin and folate. Traditionally, rose hips have
been used as a preventive for and treatment of colds and flu, body
infections, mouth sores, and earaches.
The herb is also known to
be a blood purifier. Scientific studies have confirmed that rose
hip oil is very effective in bringing about regeneration of damaged
skin tissues, particularly skin that has been harmed by excessive
exposure to sunlight. There are no known dangerous side effect of
rosehips, although some people do experience mild diarrhea when
excessive amounts of the herb are ingested. |