All Possibilities within Life Force
The center of the medicine wheel is the Void, also known as the "Black Hole of Creation."
Here all things take on substance within spirit, as the chaotic energy of
the Void carries within itself all
possibilities. In the first breath of creation, all forms of all things within the Everything were
birthed from the maelstrom of our cosmic Black Hole. The Void holds the transformer-catalyst energy that
causes life and movement in all of the directions on every medicine wheel.
Black Hole
The creative force of the Void is
Chuluaquai Life Force Energy, Chi, or ki, otherwise known as our sexual catalyst energy.
We access this energy through intimacy, open heart-to-heart communication and balanced sexuality and orgasticness, which in turn expands our minds, fuels our imaginations, and heals and strengthens our bodies.
The self-expression of the Center is Beauty and Wisdom. Here we may
connect with the Beauty of our true essence and the Wisdom of the All-Knowing
that each human being carries within the core of self.
It is in the Center that we celebrate our inner grandmother and
grandfather. They reside together in total beauty, balance and harmony
with open heart-to-heart communication. It is through these benevolent
elders that we connect with the Wisdom of The All. |
Everything comes together in the Center. Metis Rainbow Humans recognize
that we are all one people, regardless of race, color of skin, cultural
differences, or religious beliefs. Here we share our truth with one
another freely, creating the synergy that results in the Human Race being
greater than the sum of its parts. We now have the ability to bring
into our lives the five "Huaquas" that allow us to become completely
balanced humans: health, happiness, humor, hope and harmony.
Sources of information: |
Lightningbolt by Hyemeyohsts Storm
Song of the Deer by Thunder Strikes and Jan Orsi
illumine my being!
I swirl your sovereign flush
Through core of sacred self,
Flowing, rippling, swelling
On timeless currents of the Void.
I call you to me, Ra, on wings of Hermes,
Affording compassion as cradle for your spark,
Cast your serpent
In receptive orbs of rapturous delight
Which spiral full circle,
Exalted by your flame.
Designs of enlightenment quicken my womb.
I Am Mother of Manna
Nurturing hopes and inspirations
every today.
to the Medicine Wheel
2022: Lynette Hopkins |