For Rainbow Warriors
on a spiritual path, a holistic vision quest ceremony has
the potential to bring about rebirth, individually and collectively,
into the New Dream.
Paula Allen in her book The Sacred Hoop
tells us that in the personal spiritual ceremony,
“the person sheds the isolated, individual personality and
is restored to conscious harmony with the universe.”
In my own experience, vision quests have produced ecstatic,
hypnotic states in which I (Lyn) have, through intent, ritual,
and proper alchemy, opened up and cleared closed symbols within
myself that had long been draining me of energy. It
was then that I had the awareness and ability to transform
them into beauty and light.
There is no greater expression of Self-love than to
take responsibility for your own dark mirrors and to forgive
yourself for all your supposed transgressions.
As you love and forgive yourself, so shall you have
the ability to do the same for others. It is through
loving Self and one another that we will heal the wounds of
mankind and of Grandmother Earth.
This is our challenge in the New Age of Enlightenment.
There are many Native American
prophecies about the “Warriors of the Rainbow.”
They will come at a time when the fish are dying, the birds
are falling from the sky, the waters are polluted, and the trees and
mankind are dying. These Light Warriors of the Rainbow will love and accept one
another, regardless of color, race or religion.
a mission to heal Earth and all her children in the “Day of
Awakening,” they will create a New World in which Justice, Peace,
Freedom and Love will prevail.
They will then teach the people of Earth how to honor The Great
Spirit, and to live in balance and harmony with natural law.
Might we be Rainbow Warriors?
We Walk in Beauty

Your Power
What creates power within a
ceremony? First
and foremost is proper alchemy.
You do not obtain power by seeking it; you obtain it by
becoming more natural. You
must be open and receptive to whatever is happening at any
given time. By
first connecting with the alchemy contained within the order and
structure of nature, you may make intimate contact with the elements (fire,
water, air, earth) and the worlds (mineral, plant, animal,
human and ancestors), feeling and KNOWING union with All That
Is. You may
then achieve excellence by embodying the vision, heart and clarity of your
intent, which gives you focus. Focus is being in the here and now.
It is essential to stay present in the happening so
your attention does not wander.
As your intent and focus are clear, you will create the opportunity
to catch your moment of power as a
Rainbow Warrior and will be at cause rather than at effect.
ceremonial ritual teaches you how to be at cause and stay in
your power. Power = Love =
Rose Ceremonies
Several times a year, The Wild Rose
Dreamers Lodge holds a ceremonial weekend in which participants
are sent out on various vision quest ceremonies.
These ceremonies are usually held at the Double "G"
Ranch in Llano, Gold Creek Ranch in the mountains north of
Sunland, or at Joshua Tree.
Upon arrival on the land the first night, the group
will gather around a campfire to connect with one another
through drumming, chanting and sharing of food.
The next morning, you will arise before dawn to join
in a "Raising the Sun" ceremony, welcoming rebirth
of a new day. With
arms raised to Grandfather Sun and feet planted firmly on
Grandmother Earth, you allow fire and earth to join in sacred
marriage within yourself.
Thus the seed is planted for your transformation and
rebirth that will come about through your intent and focus
as a Rainbow Warrior.
The Night on the Mountain of
Fear is the first major individual ceremony.
Throughout the day you will connect with the elements
and worlds of Grandmother Earth in meditative silence.
Your ceremonial leader will teach you what you need to
know for your ceremony, and at the proper time will send you
out onto the land to build your sacred medicine wheel.
There you will spend the night, connecting with the moon and stars,
resonating to the distant howl of coyotes, and becoming one with the
energies of Grandmother Earth.
Throughout the night, you will look at yourself in depth, first confronting
your fears and dark mirrors in each of the directions,
calling for the visions and awareness that will guide you as
you take your next step toward fulfillment of your personal
and sacred dreams. Staying in focus and
intent by following the proper alchemy, you will be in your power and
Self-Love, thus enabling you to forgive yourself for your frailties.
When you feel complete with the resolution of your dark mirrors, you will then look
at your light mirrors – your beauty, talents, strengths –
asking all of nature to show you every Light aspect of
yourself. The
remainder of the night you will spend in reflection of who you
truly are as a sacred human being, as a Rainbow Warrior of the
Light. In the
morning, your rebirth into a radiant new day will open the
door to your own New Dream.
Alignment Ceremony
Beginning with the Harmonic
Convergence, followed by the 11/11, the 12/12, the August
11th Eclipse, the May 5th, 2000 Planetary Alignment, and the Harmonic Concordance. Lodge Chief Lyn "Starflyer" Hopkins,
Ph.D., and her Assistant Director, Shama, CHT, CDC, TDE have
joined the lightworker community to sponsor ceremonial
conclaves to work with the magickal energies of this time of
history. Their intent is to connect with light workers
throughout the world in order to awaken our divine nature and
take our power as sacred humans by helping to sculpt the New Dream for
the Age of Aquarius.
The May 5th, 2000 event was held at
the Wright Land in Malibu, California, sponsored by Lyn and
Shama and The Wild Rose Dreamers Shamanic Lodge. We
commemorated the Birthing of the New Dream, the planetary
alignment of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
- all within 27 degrees of Taurus. See the
Planetary Alignment page to find out
ultimate goal of all ceremony is to take your power in beauty
and light.

Words To Live By
deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.
ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant,
talented and fabulous?
who are you not to be?
are a child of God.
playing small doesn’t serve the world.
nothing enlightened about shrinking
that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
were born to make manifest
Glory of God that is within us.
not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
as we let our own light shine,
unconsciously give other people
to do the same.
we are liberated from our own fear,
presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Read by Nelson Mandela in his 1994
Inaugural Speech
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