Eagle Dance is a one day ceremony in which the participants dance
to the “Tree of Life” with the intent of manifesting Health, Prosperity
and Abundance for Self, Life and Others.
A tree is chosen to represent the sacred “Tree of Life,”
around which a huge medicine wheel is constructed.
The tree is a symbol of the Source, the eternal light from
which all consciousness, life and movement emerge.
The medicine wheel is the zero surrounding the Source.
“The Zero is Holy. - - - From the Eternal, which is Time,
and from all Energies, which are Space, all of everything was born
from the Zero. - - - The womb of creation is the Sacred Zero.”
(Hyemeyohsts Storm, Lightning
Bolt. Additional information on the medicine wheel
can be found in Storm's book, Seven
"Eagle . . .
Fly high,
Touch Great Spirit. |
Share your medicine,
Touch me, honor me,
So that I may know you too."
Jamie Sands, author of Medicine
Cards and
Council Fires Were Here Before Ours
The dancers surround
the periphery of the medicine wheel until they sense the cogent
call of Spirit from the Source Tree. The ceremonial drum sounds, emitting a continuous, hypnotic
beat while voices echo chants reflecting the birth and growth of
creation. Ancestral drums awaken, merging with the hearbeat of
Grandmother Earth. Dancers in bright-colored ceremonial attire feel
the call, take their own power, and rhythmically emerge from all
eight directions of the medicine wheel arbor. The Eagle's piercing
call resonates as participants ride the hypnotic beat, praying and
moving toward the magnetic power of the Tree of Life.
The arbor is alive,
pulsating, inhaling and exhaling as the ceremony progresses. Prayers
soar on the wings of the Eagle to Great Spirit and answers spiral
back to the Tree. With roots reaching deep into the Earth, the Tree
gives participants the strength and stamina needed to dance impeccably.
The branches, stretching to the As Above, inspire lofty dreams,
and keep the connecting link to intent powerful and strong.
Dancers are in their
power, taking responsibility for their lives. Progressing inward,
one may offer prayers for personal health, prosperity and abundance,
for a sacred dream, for the dream of the collective, or for Grandmother's
planetary dream. Moving away from the Tree, but never turning one's
back to it, the Dancer visualizes and celebrates manifestation of
these prayers. The energy ebbs and flows as the day wears on, but
the pulse never weakens. On and on the dance continues, as it has
since time began. It is a magickal event, facilitating the dreams
of all to be danced awake. Finally, the Dance Chief announces: "This
Dance is finished in Beauty." The Tree rests in peace while
a jubilant Eagle spirit nestles in its branches.
thanks is offered to Phyllis Cronbaugh for her heartfelt assistance
in preparing the above description of the Eagle Dance ceremony.
the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people
shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and
who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again.
They will be known as Warriors of the Rainbow." Old
Native American prophecy
Rainbow Warrior Vow of the Eagle Dancer
I vow to walk the Path of inner Light and Awareness,
to seek knowledge and wisdom in order to help others. I am a Rainbow Light Warrior, Sundancer, a person who honors
all teachings, ways, paths and medicines, accepting none above
another, knowing all but dedicating myself to the One through those
paths that have Heart
for me. I pledge to
embrace and heal the distortions of fear, clarity, power, old age, disease,
death, intolerance and superstitions that repress the Inner Light of the
Sacred Human.
I vow to honor the Women, the Children and the Men in
whatever way possible to help them find their own Inner Light.
I will use as tools the Light, the Pipe, the
Sacred crystals and the Heart, Body, Mind and Spirit on the journey
towards union with All That Is.