Holistic healing is a form of alternative health care that integrates the whole person in the healing process: body, mind, emotion, spirit and life force (chi) energy. It is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes natural healing techniques and remedies, such as herbology, acupuncture, acupressure, reflexology, homeopathy, Reiki, muscle and tissue massage, chiropractic, Zenith, color and sound healing, chakra balancing, and many others. A major focus of holistic healing is the involvement of the patient's personal desire, intent, and follow-through in the healing process. Accordingly, holistic healing is as much dependent upon self-healing as it is upon the direct treatment by a practitioner. Patients are encouraged to eat a balanced diet, exercise, get adequate rest, utilize stress-release techniques, express themselves in some form of creative endeavor, gain and maintain a positive self-image, and become involved in spiritual activities of some sort. Below are descriptions of some holistic healing methodologies that have proven to be effective in alleviating stress and bringing the body, mind, emotions and spirit into balance. It is in such a state of balance that healing may occur.
ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is based on the same principles, points and meridians as acupuncture. This ancient Chinese technique involves the use of finger pressure (rather than needles) on specific points along the body to treat ailments such as tension and stress, aches and pains, arthritis, etc. By applying focused pressure on a point on a meridian, the associated muscle is compressed much like a sponge and blood is sent rushing into the tissue as the muscle lets go of its tension and stress. This process also clears the blockage of energy in the meridians, promoting health throughout the body, stimulating the body's immune system, and promoting the release of endorphins. During an acupressure treatment, the patient remains fully clothed, suffers no side-effects from drugs, and experiences a totally safe and relaxing session. Foot and Hand Reflexology is based on the scientific knowledge that there are zones and reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all areas of the body. Disease is created by stress. Reflexology reduces stress in all parts of the body by generating deep, calm relaxation. By applying direct pressure to points on the feet or hands corresponding to stressed body areas, the tension is reduced and there is a resulting physiological change in the body. Stress and tension also restrain the cardiovascular system and restrict blood flow, resulting in sluggish circulation. By reducing the stress and tension, Reflexology allows the cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.
"In the beginning was the word - - -"
There are a number of types of energy
healing, but they are all based on the principle that universal energy can be harnessed and directed to specific areas of the body, mind, emotions or spirit that are energy-deficient, thus experiencing dis-ease. "Zenith" is a form of energy healing that directs Etheric Light and Color to release energy blocks from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, bringing the individual into a higher state of awareness and aliveness. The human body holds thought patterns and emotions that are often a storehouse for unmanifested fears and desires. When repressed and unexpressed, these emotions and thoughts may lead to stress and illness. Through direction of vibrational color and light, Zenith Energy helps to release these stored cellular memories, diminishing stress and enhancing balance, clarity, and health within each of the four bodies (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) of the individual.
Educational Therapy is therapy provided to a student who needs to improve in educational skills. Each student is evaluated to determine individual needs. An Educational Therapist may assist the student in such areas as phonics, reading, spelling, writing, mathematics, study skills and/or developmental skills. The focus is to assist students in achieving skills commensurate to their potential ability and level of function. Achievements may be limited by cognitive ability, neurological function and/or emotional distress. Disclaimer: The alternative healing information presented on this site is not to be construed as medical advice. I do not hold medical, midwifery, herbal, lactation or chiropractic degrees. As with any alternative healing treatments or supplements, if you have a health problem, are on medication, are pregnant, or are nursing a baby, I advise that you seek the advice of a health care professional before engaging in these services. The information presented on this site has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and procedures are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. By entering the Alternative Healing and Herbal Supplements section of this site, You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any of the herbal supplements or alternative healing methods as discussed here or on the sites of our links shall be at your own risk. I am a credentialed Educational Therapist in the state of California, and hold a Ph.D. in Integrative Educational Psychology. I have made every effort to properly credit image sources and copyright holders. Images not credited are, to the best of my knowledge, in the public domain. Return to earth or Return Home
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