
May We Walk in Beauty
The Shamanic Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge is a center for the study and practice of esoteric
healing and psychology, energy work, spiritual astrology and prophecy,
metaphysics, and flowering tree and other shamanic ceremonial rituals.
Magickal (white magick) exploration of universal and planetary
energies, integrating unconditional love and sacred intent, is the
focus of the lodge.
Led by Dance Chief Lyn “Starflyer” Hopkins, the lodge holds classes on shamanism, conducts
vision quest and sweat lodge ceremonies, drum team gatherings,
and Eagle Dream Dances. We also design and conduct shamanic
healing rituals and ceremonies as needed for particular occasions.
Our current intent is to assist in the fulfillment of sacred prophecy for the Age of Enlightenment
and to consciously sculpt the New Dream. We desire to be present for Brothers and Sisters interested in expanding their
consciousness through the study of shamanism. Then, drawing
upon the wisdom and skills of the Rainbow Light Warrior within,
they may be enabled to summon the white magick of personal power,
healing, light and love to self, one another and to Grandmother
Ours is an inter-faith group that embraces all religions, with the intent to expand our knowledge
of shamanism that we may better comprehend our personal, sacred and
collective dreams as well as the dream of Grandmother Earth.
Not only do we embrace the Twisted Hair Teachings, but we
also include spiritual and magickal jewels from many paths in a
harmonious tapestry of philosophy, science, metaphysics, astrology,
white magick, the esoteric, occult, and anything else that serves
our desire to know more about the sacred Light path of shamanism.

Birth of the New Dream
Planetary Alignment and The New Millennium
According to astrology and the Mayan Calendar,
the Planetary Alignment of May 5, 2000, heralded the birth of the
New Age of Enlightenment and set the stage for the New Millennium
of Awareness and Enlightenment which began January 1, 2001.
Although our event has come and gone, the synergy rages on.
We continue to chronicle and celebrate our ever-expanding understanding
of what this celestial event inspired in our lives and those of
our friends, our community and the world. Keep checking new
developments on this site as our awareness and comprehension multiplies.
This Age of Enlightenment is a monumental period in the history of mankind. Synchronous with the Planetary
Alignment and beyond into the New Millennium, we are witnessing
the transformation of the era of our ancestors into the long awaited
New Dream , manifesting Love, Light, and Spiritual awareness
into fourth dimensional energy (Time). It is now that the
dance between the God (masculine expressive) and Goddess (feminine
receptive) energies is coming into full alignment with natural,
universal, cosmic and magickal law, when the Sacred Eagle flies
with both wings in balance to the crest of the Tree of Life.
It is now that we individually and collectively take our power
as Light Warriors of the Rainbow, long predicted in prophecy
by the Mayans, the Hopis, and many others.

Shamanic Healings - New Dream -
Planetary Alignment - Sacred Ceremonies - Drum Team - Eagle Dances -
Rainbow Warriors - Enlightenment - Universal Love - Heart Connection -
Energy Work - Earth Healing - Spirituality - Vision Quests - Sweat Lodges
- Mayan Calendar - Sacred Prophecy - Tree of Life - White Magick - Light
Workers - Spiritual Astrology - Time and Dimension