was it? The period in history known as Harmonic Convergence was defined by Jose Arguelles as: “the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences.” It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl, known as the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells. The prophecy stated that following the ninth hell, humanity would know and experience an unprecedented New Age of Peace. The Hell cycle ended on August 16, 1987; the Harmonic Convergence began on August 17. Thus began the projected twenty-five year culmination of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of History, as well as the 26,000-year cycle of evolution, both slated to end in 2012. |
Time |
The Harmonic Convergence was an announcement of the forthcoming end of time as we know it and a preparation to move from third-dimensional reality of space into fourth-dimensional reality of time. Contrary to popular belief, it is time rather than gravity that keeps everything in the universe in order. Time is the mathematics of the universal laws of nature, the unifying force that holds everything together. The Mayans knew this, basing the Mayan calendar on the universal mathematics of the fourth dimension. The frequency of time is the 13:20 ratio on which the Mayan calendar is based. Humanity is now in the process of changing the old 12:60 (twelve months in a year, 60 minutes in an hour) timing frequency to the timing of natural law, thus taking us out of time as we know it and into fourth dimensional awareness. When we have accomplished this transformation, we will enter a new path of spiritual and mental evolution in tune with the cycles of the universe. Some call this “Heaven on Earth.” | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Energy And The Magnetic Field Since the initiation of the Harmonic Convergence, there have been measurable increases in the energy of our planet Earth. After resonating at a base resonant frequency of 8 Hz per second for thousands of years, during which Earth has essentially been asleep, her frequency is now rising. She appears to be rising to a fundamental vibration of 13 cycles per second, as predicted by the Fibonacci series (mathematical proportions based on the Golden Mean, also called the harmonics of the universe). Accompanying this energy boost is a rapid decrease in the magnetic field that surrounds the planet. Our magnetic field has served us in the past by creating an illusion of separation and protection from energies outside ourselves. It will eventually reach zero when there will be no artificial barriers, so it is essential that we take our power individually and collectively, honoring others and ourselves in the process. |
Zero Point Gregg Braden refers to our planet’s point of maximum energy and no magnetic field as “Zero Point.” “To an observer, the world at Zero Point appears to be very still, while the participant experiences a quantum restructuring of the very boundaries that define the experience. Earth and our bodies are preparing for the Zero Point experience of change, collectively known by the ancients as The Shift of the Ages. - - - The Shift represents a rare opportunity for collectively repatterning the expression of human consciousness.” (Awakening to Zero Point, p. 195) For
further information, check out Gregg Braden's book |
Ascension The
Kryon channelings may be found in books by Lee Carroll: |